Looking for a Platinum Credit Card Visa? Get the Bellco Visa Platinum Card that great low rates and is the platinum credit card that has no annual fee!

Bellco Visa Platinum® Credit Card

The Bellco Visa Platinum Credit Card has great low rates!

  • A straightforward credit card with no annual fee
  • 0% Intro APR on new purchases for the first 6 months – 14.00% to 21% variable APR thereafter
  • 1.99% Intro APR for 12 months on balance transfers that occur in the first 90 days. After that, the Standard APR will be 14.00% to 21%
  • Balance transfer fee is either $5 or 3% of the amount of the balance transfer, whichever is greater.
  • View the Visa Platinum Benefits Guide to learn more about Extended Warranty Protection, ID Navigator Powered by NortonLifeLock™, Roadside Dispatch, Travel and Emergency Assistance Services, plus other benefits.

Play Your Cards Right

With our generous credit line, you can easily accommodate all of your financial needs with just one card. And, when you move your current higher-rate credit card balances to your Bellco Visa Platinum Credit Card, you’ll see even more savings.