Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)

The Servicemember Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provides legal and financial protection to eligible active duty servicemembers and in some cases, their dependents. While some protections are automatically applied, Bellco requires you to request the interest rate cap and to inform us if you would like to terminate your auto lease.

Who may be Eligible?

  • Servicemember who have entered federal military service; including active duty member of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard; active member of the Reserve and National Guard; Reservists called to duty under federal orders for more than 30 consecutive days; active duty commissioned officer of the Public Health Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; or absent from duty due to sickness, wounds, leave, or other lawful cause. State law may provide similar benefits based on the type of military service.

SCRA rights may be requested by anyone holding a valid power of attorney for the servicemember. Bellco uses the Department of Defense DMDC to validate active duty information on Servicemembers.

What Accounts may be Eligible?

The SCRA provides benefits on loans that were opened prior to the start of military service and certain leases entered into while in military service. Examples include:

  • Auto Loans and Leases
  • Mortgages and HELOC’s
  • Personal loans or lines of credit
  • Credit cards
  • Business loans
  • Federal and privately funded education loans

What Military Orders Should I Provide?

To request benefits, you must provide us a copy of your military orders or other letter that includes information about you that allows us to verify the orders are yours. Examples of military orders (or letters) include:

  • Military orders calling the servicemember to active duty;
  • Any other appropriate indicator of military service (Permanent Change Station, Temporary Change Station, travel orders, enlistment orders, delayed enlistment program orders, DD-214, etc); or
  • Certified letter from a commanding, personnel officer, or unit-readiness non-commissioned officer.

How to Request the Cap on Interest Rates

Requests for the interest rate cap benefit must be made no later than 180 days after the date of a servicemember’s termination or release from military service. For your convenience, complete the Request for Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Interest Rate Cap Request Form and submit it with military orders, as outlined above in order to request the interest rate cap.

Terminating an Automobile Lease

The SCRA may give you the right to terminate your auto lease without penalties under certain circumstances. If you need information on how to terminate your auto lease with Bellco, please call 303-689-8150 and choose Option 2 to reach our Collections Department. They can assist you with this type of request.

Still Have Questions?

If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can call 720-627-6290 or toll free to 1-800-BELLCO-1 (235-5261), or email Bellco does not provide legal advice regarding SCRA.